Here we honor Beloveds who inspire the continuance of our work.
Aquí honramos a nuestros seres queridos que inspiran la continuación de nuestro trabajo.
In Memory. En Memoria.

Ah, world, what lessons you prepare for us, even in the leafless winter, even in the ashy city.
I am thinking now - of grief, and of getting past it; I feel my boots, trying to leave the ground,
I feel my heart, pumping hard. I want to think again, of dangerous and noble things.
I want to be light and frolicsome.
I want to be improbably beautiful and afraid of nothing - as though I had wings.
Ah, mundo, qué lecciones nos preparas, incluso en el invierno sin hojas, incluso en la ciudad cenicienta.
Ahora estoy pensando en el dolor y en superarlo; Siento mis botas, intentando despegarse del suelo,
Siento mi corazón latiendo con fuerza. Quiero pensar de nuevo en cosas peligrosas y nobles.
Quiero ser ligero y juguetón.
Quiero ser increíblemente bella y no tener miedo de nada, como si tuviera alas.

Ngäbe Culture Defender & Teacher Defensor del Cultura Ngäbe y Maestro
May 2, 1974 - May 11, 2023
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
In memory of my friend and master teacher, who fought for our Ngäbe culture and tradition and original language. Mario Montezuma Montezuma, peacefully rest, after your sacrifice and fight to maintain and teach and live with the people both in the Conte Burica territory and other territories, also including many non-Ngäbe. Your attitude and behavior were 100% excellent, your responsibility in your work. You were an example, for your punctuality, your teachings in school, for me you have been the best. Thanks to him, I can write and read in our language, which we maintain for our children - which many have lost. My person, who I shared the last hours of the night on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, not knowing that on Thursday, May 11, I was going to suffer my worst nightmare and terrible loss. Atte, Juan Miranda
Inez Montezuma. Mother/madre de Mario Montezuma.

Anciano Curandero de Medicina Tradicional
Elder Traditional Medicine Healer
Died: March 5, 2024
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
In memory of Don Hilario Bejarano, an elder, resident of the Altos de Rio Claro community, for his unfortunate departure today, he who is not with us. Only his spirit and history will be remembered, for many, who cared about him. My condolences to all the family members, I know it is difficult, a moment like this, but the Creator has strength and fortitude for each of us. Hilario known by his nickname "King Reichi" as well known throughout the territory, a founding leader of the territory, a specialist in natural medicine, for different diseases including snakebite. One of the best in natural medicine that I have ever known - his small size but his knowledge and wisdom was extensive, in liquid and air examination! And his help in purifying homes carrying pain. For his loss…family members and many more…Peaceful rest. Atte, Juan Miranda C.

Endangered Red Wolf Recovery Biologist
Defensor del Lobo Rojo en peligro y Vida Silvestre
December 23, 1961 - June 4, 2016
En memoria de Christopher Frederick Lucash, un padre amable, afectuoso, ingenioso y reflexivo que se preocupaba profundamente por el mundo y los animales que lo rodeaban. Dedicó 30 años de su vida a ayudar a recuperar a los casi extintos lobos rojos del sureste de América del Norte. Nuestro padre estaba tan dedicado a su trabajo como a nosotros, su familia; mostrándonos cómo podemos cambiar el mundo con nuestras acciones y la importancia de preservar la biodiversidad en hábitats amenazados, siendo al mismo tiempo un esposo y padre cariñoso, que enseñó, creó y protegió. También fue un pensador profundo. Podía hablar con casi cualquier persona sobre casi cualquier cosa. Su humor, narración y creatividad siempre cautivaron a quienes lo rodeaban y, sin darnos cuenta, nos alentaron a abrir nuestras mentes y corazones al mundo, a los animales y a los demás. Chris era un hombre increíblemente fuerte que sabía cómo quería vivir y cómo quería morir. Vivió el tiempo que tuvo en esta vida, y con nosotros, al máximo y con tanta energía y pasión, hasta su prematura muerte por la enfermedad industrial ELA. Sólo una enfermedad tan implacable como ésta podría haber derribado a este hombre poderoso, porque siempre quiso estar aquí en esta tierra viviendo su vida al servicio de los demás y la preservación del mundo viviente. Su memoria siempre será una bendición para nosotros y siempre lo extrañaremos aquí con nosotros, pero sabemos que nos está animando desde el Otro Lado. Para siempre, Alisa, Eden, Noah & Cade

Staring Down Fate is a documentary film about searching for purpose in life and in mortality; about finding inspiration in the face of uncertainty. It is a story about 8 billion people and our relationship with nature, told through one person's life - Chris Lucash, a red wolf biologist diagnosed with ALS.
Staring Down Fate (“Mirando Hacia el Destino”) es una película sobre la búsqueda de un propósito en la vida y en la mortalidad; sobre encontrar inspiración frente a la incertidumbre. Es una historia sobre 8 mil millones de personas y nuestra relación con la naturaleza, contada a través de la vida de una persona: Chris Lucash, un biólogo lobo rojo diagnosticado con ELA.

En Honor y Memoria de mis Seres Queridos
In honor and memory of my loved ones. I write this article honored by the physical loss of these beings and many throughout the Conte Burica territory in general. I dedicate this writing to those who have lived in my life, my “grandfathers and grandmothers.” Very special people in my life; they were like "mom and dad" during my youth. They were leaders and created an education institution for families and neighbors of the community, donating land and wood for the community school to build and achieve the goal. They were founders of the Reserve, founders of the school. They named the school Kogoribtä** which is the design of this institution until now. Thanks to this I had the privilege of learning to read, write, count and many other things, which I remember, but they left me, for which with all my strength I write this writing, in honor and memory of them may God have them in glory. Peace rest. Juan Miranda C. **named for an ancestral place in Panama
Grandmother & Grandfather of Juan Abuelo y Abuela de Juan Miranda